This is the HFRICTIONS reference page.

Basic Syntax

Each line of HFRICTIONS code must be separated by either a line break or a semicolon. Semicolons are functionally equivalent to line breaks.
A line of code is either a global function or a character function.
A global function is of the form "a(b)" where:
- a is the function name
- b is the function's parameters (if it has any)
A character function is of the form "c.a(b)", where c is the character's "name" as defined in its creation function.
A function may have one or more "synonyms", such as wait() and delay(), which behave identically.

Global Functions


mode=RADIAN, RADIANS, RAD: all angles are treated as being in radians
mode=DEGREE, DEGREES, DEG: all angles are treated as being in degrees
mode=TURN, TURNS, CYCLE, CYCLES, REVOLUTION, REVOLUTIONS, REV: all angles are treated as being in turns
mode=GRADIAN, GRADIANS, GRAD: all angles are measure in gradians
Default: DEGREES
Synonyms: angle


Creates a new character with a name. If this name is already used, the function will fail.
This function creates a default character. To set appearance and character variables, use their functions in the character's namespace immediately after creating it.
Do not confuse a character's internal name with the name of a character in a story. The internal name is only used in the source code and will not be exported.
name (string): name of character
Synonyms: new, char, newChar, newchar, create


mode=DIRECT: the polynomial's output is used directly
mode=NORM: the polynomial's output always starts at 0 and ends at 1
mode=CLAMP: the polynomial's output must be in the range from 0 to 1
mode=BOUNDS: both NORM and CLAMP apply
Default: DIRECT


time (number): amount of seconds to wait
Synonyms: delay

Character Functions


Reflects a character on an axis. Also see unflip()
axis (x or y): axis to flip on


x (number): x-position to move to
y (number): y-position to move to
Synonyms: go


Makes a character invisible.


Sets a character's appearance to a certain image. (Custom images are not yet supported.)
imageName (string): image to set to (see list of images)
Synonyms: appearance, costume


label(x,y,text,size) The coordinates, text, and/or size can be omitted and rearranged in most ways without causing problems.
x (number): new x position of label, relative to the center of the character
y (number): new y position of label, relative to the center of the character
text (string): text to set label to
size (number): font size
Synonyms: text


Characters with higher layers are rendered in front of characters with lower layers.
z (number): new layer
Synonyms: z


Rotates a character by an angle instantly. To rotate smoothly over time, use smoothRotate(). To set the rotation to a specific value, use rotation().
angle (number): angle to set to (depends on global angleMode, default degrees)
Synonyms: turn


Sets rotation to a specific value. For relative rotation, use rotate()
angle (number): angle to set to (depends on global angleMode, default degrees)
Synonyms: direction, rot, dir, point


x (number): x component of the position to point towards
y (number): y component of the position to point towards
Synonyms: direction, rot, dir, point


Providing only one input will set both scaling directions to the same value.
x (number): new x scaling factor
y (number): new y scaling factor
Synonyms: size


Makes a character visible.


ex: smoothMove(-200,-100,100,100,2,0,1)
x1 (number): starting x-position
y1 (number): starting y-position
x2 (number): ending x-position
y2 (number): ending y-position
time (number): total duration of motion
p (numbers): polynomial used for interpolation (reverse order, without constant term), defaults to 1. ex: move(-40,-30,80,100,1,0,3,-2) will use the smoothstep function for a smoother move
Synonyms: move, glide


angle1 (number): starting angle
angle2 (number): ending angle
time (number): total duration of rotation
p (numbers): polynomial used for interpolation (reverse order, without constant term), defaults to 1. ex: smoothRotate(0,360,1,0,3,-2) will use the smoothstep function for a smoother rotation
Synonyms: spin


xs1 (number): starting x scale>br>ys1 (number): starting y scale
xs2 (number): ending x scale
ys2 (number): ending y scale
time (number): total duration of scaling
p (number): polynomial used for interpolation (reverse order, without constant term), defaults to 1. ex: smoothScale(1,1,0.5,2,1,0,3,-2) will use the smoothstep function for a smoother squish
Synonyms: stretch, squish


String must be in quotes!
To remove speech bubble, use this function with no parameters.
text (string): text to put in the speech bubble
Synonyms: bub, bubble


Switches whether the character is visible. Also see show() and hide().
Synonyms: vis, visibility, togglevis


Resets a character to appear unflipped.


x (number): new x position


y (number): new y position

List of Images

koala tree
purple koala tree